S1.E24.1- Strikes a ball with a short-handled implement, sending it upward.
S4.E5.1-Exhibits the established protocols for class activities.

Social Awareness: Respect for Others



Objective: Strike a lightweight object for distance

Badminton Unit | Level 6

Today we are going to learn how to strike a lightweight object for distance.

Striking a lightweight object for distance is important because it increases your upper body strength and endurance. 

: hit forcibly on purpose.

When striking a lightweight object for distance, it is important to:

1. Stand sideways to your target with your non-paddle foot forward. 

2. Bring the paddle back and hold the ball by your waist.

3. Drop the ball as you swing the paddle.


  1. I will divide the class into teams of two. Ro Sham Bo to decide who will start with the paddle first. Line up on the baseline shoulder-to-shoulder. If you do not have the paddle first, take one giant step behind the baseline. When I say, “GO!” the first teammate will strike his/her beach ball with the paddle. After you have finished, retrieve your ball and switch roles with your teammate. 
  2. Repeat as many times as needed.


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15-25 minutes

4-25 students per game

1 paddle per 2 students
1 beach ball per 2 students
10 short cones
20 dots
Optional: 1 blindfold per 2 students

Today we are playing Zone Ball. Your goal is to strike the beach ball for distance to see how far it will go. 


  • I will divide the class into two teams – hitters and runners.
  • Before the game begins, the hitters will line up on the baseline.
  • The runners will line up on either side.
  • When I say, "GO!" the hitters will strike their beach ball with their paddle, aiming for the farthest distance.
  • When every hitter has hit their ball, the runners will go out and collect the balls and roll them back to the hitters.
  • After five hits, hitters and runners will switch places.

Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Have students try and aim so that their beach ball lands on a dot.
Variation: To increase difficulty, have hitters wear blindfolds when hitting.
Exit Ticket: Students strike a lightweight object for distance to the teacher to put away.



  • Approach:
    • Remind runners they cannot enter the field until every hitter has gone.
  • ELL Accommodation:
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation:
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection:
    • I should stand __________ to my target when hitting the ball.
    • What about hitting the ball was difficult?



10-20 minutes

4-30 students per game

1 paddle per 3 students
1 beach ball per 3 students
3 hula-hoops
10 short cones

Today we are playing Paddle Battle. Your goal is to work together as a team to strike the beach ball for distance into every hula-hoop.


  • I will divide the class into six teams.
  • Each team will get three beach balls.
  • Ro Sham Bo to decide who on your team will go first.
  • When I say, "GO!" the first students in line will run to the end line with their team's beach ball and paddle.
  • When they reach the end line, they must try to get their team's beach ball in one of the hula-hoops by striking it.  
  • If the beach ball bounces out of the hula-hoop, retrieve it and head back to your team.
  • The next student in line can go when he/she receives the paddle and beach ball.
  • Continue until your team has made one beach ball in each hula-hoop.
  • We will begin a new game once a team does not have any more beach balls left.

Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Increase the distance of the boundary cones and the hula-hoops.
Variation: For a less competitive game, have teams work together to get a certain number of beach balls into each hula-hoop (number determined by the teacher).
Exit Ticket: Students strike a lightweight object for distance to the teacher to put away.



  • Approach:
    • Increase or decrease the number of teams based on class size. Each team must have the same number of beach balls.
  • ELL Accommodation:
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation:
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection:
    • I should stand __________ to my target when hitting the ball.
    • What about hitting the ball was difficult?


15-25 minutes

6-30 students per game

2 paddles
1 beach ball per 2 students
4 hula-hoops
20 dots
2 short cones

Today we are playing X Factor. Your goal is to make your way through the X course and strike a lightweight object for distance into the opposing team’s hula-hoop. 


  • I will divide the class into two groups.
  • Before the game begins, line up behind your group's marker cone.
  • When I say, "GO!" the first person in line will run across the field only stepping on the dots.
  • When you make it to the hula-hoop you must:
    • Strike the beach ball underhand, aiming towards the empty hula-hoop across from it
    • Put the paddle back into the hula-hoop
    • Go to the back of the opposing team’s line
  • If your beach ball does not go into the hula-hoop, retrieve it.
  • The next person in line will transport the beach ball in the empty hula-hoop back up to the top of the X.
  • The next person in line can go when the person in front has made it to the middle of the dots.

Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Spread the hula-hoops farther away from each other to increase difficulty.
Exit Ticket: Students strike a lightweight object for distance to the teacher to put away.



  • Approach:
    • Remind students to be aware of others when crossing through the dots.
  • ELL Accommodation:
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation:
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection:
    • I should stand __________ to my target when hitting the ball.
    • What about hitting the ball was difficult?