S1.E25.K- Strikes a ball with long-handled implement Developmentally appropriate/emerging outcomes appear in Grade 3.
S4.E6.2b- Works safely with physical education equipment.

Responsible Decision-Making: Evaluating



Objective: Change speed while dribbling

Hockey Unit | Level 9

Today we are going to learn how to change speed while dribbling.

Changing speed while dribbling is important because it is a necessary skill when attacking a ball on defense and getting away from a defender on offense.

to advance a ball or puck by giving it a series of short pushes.

When changing speed while dribbling, it is important to:


1. Bend your knees and lean forward.

2. Keep the ball close to your body.

3. Keep your hands in front of your body.


4. Use both sides of the hockey stick to control the ball.



  1. I will divide the class into two groups. One group will start on the baseline and the other group will start on the end line. When I say, "GO!" dribble your ball while jogging to the midline. When you reach the midline, slow down, turn around and begin dribbling to where you started. When you reach the baseline or end line, sit down so I know that you are done.
  2. Repeat as many times as needed.


landing zone.png

10-20 minutes

No restrictions

1 hockey stick per student
1 Wiffle ball per student
2 tall orange cones
10 short cones
20 tall cones

Today we are playing Landing Zone III. Your goal is to change speed while dribbling and land your airplane (Wiffle Ball) safely in the end zone.   


  • Before the game begins, line up shoulder-to-shoulder on the baseline with your hockey stick and airplane.
  • I will begin as the air traffic controller.
  • When I say, "GO!" the air traffic controller will hold up two orange cones, which will signal where to land your airplane. The air traffic controller will also move the cones faster or slower depending on which speed he/she wants you to land.
    • Cones pointing left (move left)
    • Cones pointing right (move right)
    • Cones pointing forward (move forward)
    • Cones pointing backward (move backward)
    • Cones making a circle (spin in a circle with your ball)
    • One cone (try dribbling with one hand)
    • Cones going up and down (turbulence - jump with your hockey stick up and down)
    • Cones stopped (pause)
  • We will begin a new game once all airplanes have safely reached the end zone.

Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Put 20 tall cones (luggage) in the field. Luggage has fallen out of the airplanes and landed on the tarmac. Students must avoid hitting the luggage when landing their plane.
Game 3: Have a student be the air traffic controller.
Exit Ticket: Teacher blows the whistle to indicate a change in speed as students dribble back and forth from the baseline to the midline.



  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • Which side of the stick do you use to control the ball?
    • How might you get better at changing speed while dribbling?


moving dots.png

10-20 minutes

4-24 students per game

1 hockey stick per student
1 Wiffle Ball per student
20 dots
Music player

Today we are playing Moving Dots III. In this game, there is a mischievous elf that keeps moving the dots each time he/she hears music. Your goal is to change speed while dribbling as the music is playing and when the music stops, get to a dot as fast as you can!  


  • Before the game begins, line up shoulder-to-shoulder on the baseline with your hockey stick and ball.
  • When I say, "GO!" start dribbling your ball around the outside of the boundary cones.   
  • When I say, “SLOW!” walk and dribble your ball. When I say, “FAST!” jog and dribble your ball.
  • When the music stops, pick up your ball and find any dot in the field to stand on.
  • If you do not find a dot, you are the mischievous elf and get to help move the dots for the next round.

Game 1: Play as indicated above. Teacher is the mischievous elf.
Game 2: Remove more than one dot at a time.
Game 3: The mischievous elf can call out a specific color dot for students to find.
Game 4: After the music stops, students must do 10 dizzy bats with their hockey stick (have everyone count aloud) before finding a dot in the field.
Exit Ticket: Teacher blows the whistle to indicate a change in speed as students dribble back and forth from the baseline to the midline.



  • Approach:
    • Change the layout of the dots as students are dribbling around the outside of the boundary cones.
  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • Which side of the stick do you use to control the ball?
    • How might you get better at changing speed while dribbling?


mind reader.png

10-20 minutes

4-24 students per game

1 hockey stick per student
1 Wiffle Ball per student
1 blindfold
20 short cones
1 hula-hoop

Today we are playing Mind Reader III. Your goal is to change speed while dribbling back and forth to trick the minder reader.  


  • I will select a mind reader to stand in the center hula-hoop with a blindfold on.
  • Everyone else will begin on the baseline with their hockey stick and ball.
  • When I say, "GO!" the mind reader will spin around in a circle, counting down from "45".
  • Everyone will dribble their ball back and forth from the baseline to the midline.
  • When the mind reader reaches "0" everyone must freeze. The mind reader will have five seconds to guess how many people are on the baseline.
  • If the mind reader guesses correctly, everyone must run a lap around the boundary cones.
  • If the mind reader guesses incorrectly, he/she must run a lap around the boundary cones.
  • The teacher will pick a different mind reader each game.

Game 1: Play as indicated above.
Game 2: Create a different challenge if the mind reader guesses wrong (10 jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, wall-sits, etc.)
Game 3: Increase or decrease the amount of time students have to go back and forth from the baseline to the midline.
Game 4: Add additional cones as obstacles that students need to dribble around when going from the baseline to the midline.
Exit Ticket: Teacher blows the whistle to indicate a change in speed as students dribble back and forth from the baseline to the midline.



  • ELL Accommodation: 
    • Post labeled pictures of skills and game play.
    • Partner with proficient English speakers for directions/modeling and reflections.
  • SpEd Accommodation: 
    • Set individual goals for physical or behavioral modifications. 
    • Allow students to demonstrate skill one-on-one with teacher.
    • Allow students extra time to master the skill.
  • Reflection: 
    • Which side of the stick do you use to control the ball?
    • How might you get better at changing speed while dribbling?